#105 After the Episode

Reviewing the Stories of Stuart, Andre, Lucas, & Keith
Join Ashley and Ashley as they review clips from the stories of Stuart O’Neill, Andre Roberts, Lucas Crigler, and Keith Smith and share the latest news and research on the topics discussed. Throughout their review they cover everything from suicidal ideation to wanting to be accepted as your authentic self.
E100 | Stuart O’Neill
Stuart O’Neill, author of Just One Reason from Episode 100, has experienced suicidal ideation for most of his adult life. You’ll hear a portion of his episode where he and ALB talk about why he finds suicidal thoughts comforting. After listening to the clip, ALB shares research on the topic of suicidal ideation.
If you’d like a copy of Stuart’s book Just One Reason, we have a few copies available on first come first serve basis. Email podcast@lionrock.life to claim your copy.
E101 | Andre Roberts
Andre Roberts is a returning guest who originally shared his story in a bonus episode in Season 2. ALB and AJB review a clip from his ‘Where Are They Now?’ episode where ALB and Andre talk about sanitizing history. ALB shares the latest news on the topic of sanitizing history.
E103 | Lucas Crigler
Our guest from Episode 103, Lucas Crigler, is a transgender man and transgender activist. Tune in as we review a clip from his story where he talks about being accepted for who he is. The conversation continues as ALB and AJB consider the thought that maybe acceptance is where we can all align because we all want to be accepted for who we are not the descriptive words that can be tied to us.
E104 | Keith Smith
Keith Smith’s story is both heartbreaking and beautiful at the same time. Having been molested at a young age, Keith finally embarked on a healing journey as an adult. You’ll hear a clip where he discusses how being molested made sexuality very confusing because he didn’t feel he had a choice. The discussion continues as ALB provides insight as to how people can begin to heal from sexual trauma.
As you can see, there’s lots to cover. Let’s do this!
Episodes Reviewed
- S3 E100 – Stuart O’Neill: ‘Just One Reason’ Author Discusses Suicidal Ideation & Depression
- S3 E101 – Andre Roberts: Where Are They Now? + A Special Discussion Surrounding Racial Justice
- S3 E 103 – Lucas Crigler: Trans-Man & Activist Shares His Recovery & How to Approach Sensitive Conversations
- S3 E104 – Keith Smith: “I don’t believe in labels, but I identify as gay.”
Other Episodes Mentioned
- S3 E92 – Ashley Jo Brewer: When a Christian Girl’s World Comes Crashing Down Amidst Addiction, Grief, Loss, and a Gut-Wrenching Scandal
- S3 E102 – Ask the Expert: Kristin Casey – Surrogate Partner, Author, & Intimacy Coach Discusses Surrogate Partner Therapy
- S2 Bonus – Andre Roberts: Recovering from Addiction and a Segregated Childhood: Andre Roberts Beautifully Conveys Being a Black Man in Today’s America
Episode Resources
- Podcast Episodes by Topic | lionrock.life/podcast-episodes-by-topic
- Journal of Affective Disorders | Comfort from suicidal cognition in recurrently depressed patients
- Just One Reason Website | justonereason.com.au
- National Suicide Prevention Lifeline | 800-273-8255
- Article | How Should History Teachers Handle the Movement to ‘Rewrite’ High School History? Embrace it
- Lionrock Coffee & Coffee Alternatives | lionrock.life/shop-products
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- Podcast Website | lionrock.life/couragetochangepodcast
- Podcast Instagram | @couragetochange_podcast
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- Podcast Email | podcast@lionrock.life
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