Oct 24
  • Written By Scott Drochelman

  • #164 – Amy Farnan

    #164 – Amy Farnan

    Getting Sober With Lionrock After Losing Custody

    Amy Farnan grew up in a loving home with three siblings and lots of laughter. Even with all the good she found at her core, the inability to feel like she had worth or a voice. 

    In middle school she found alcohol and immediately felt powerful and pretty. She began saying the things she’d always wanted to say and the feeling hooked her.

    She had some level of management of her drinking through high school and college and upon graduation began a spiritual journey with her brother, a professional rock climber and someone who sought the spiritual in the same way she did. 

    The trip was incredible and opened her eyes to what other people were doing in the world, but 6 months later, her brother died in an avalanche while climbing.

    As the search for his body began, she was put in the strange position of communication liaison with the search efforts and caretaker to her parents. In that place, she was unable to grieve in the way she needed to and instead placated herself and those around her with “He died doing what he loved.”

    And thus kicked off her destructive relationship with alcohol that caused her to lose her child, her romantic relationship, and her life. Finally with the help of AA and Lionrock Recovery, she was able to find sobriety that has remained.

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    Scott Drochelman

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